Saturday 1 June 2024

After Curly Billy shot down Crazy Sam McGee Part 4

Joined by his new crew members and stalwart companion Mad Jack, Curly Billy has planned the raid on Broadstone's silver mine. They barely got away from the Law in the last game

Broadstone suspects Curly Billy will raid the mine, and he has recruited two new Pinkerton agents to guard the silver mine together with the survivors (Johnny 'The Duke"Robberts and Thomas Brown) from the last game.

Part 4: The Mine is mine!

It's a slow day at the mine. A consignment of silver has been hidden in the camp. Will it be in the obvious place (the stone building without windows)?

The Pinkertons have taken up positions in and around the camp.

Curly Billy's gang approaches the camp.

White feather moves carefully through the woods.

Luck favours Curly Billy: his first shot wounds one of the Pinkertons.

White feather blasts the other new Pinkerton at extreme range with his shotgun and also scores a wound. He closes in and puts the Pinkerton out of action.

Although Mad Jack doesn't hit anyone with his musket and "Eagle eye" takes a bullet from the law, it is over pretty quick for Broadstones men.

Curly Billy's Winchester reduces "The Duke"'s action dice to zero and the Law fails their ride or die test.

After some searching, the silver is discovered by White feather in a secret compartment in the wagon.

No lives are lost in this game and all will return in the next one where Curly Billy tries to get the silver on the train and beyond Broadstone's reach.

Will the Law be able to stop them? Stay tuned and find out in part 5 of After Curly Billy shot down Crazy Sam McGee.

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