Sunday 12 May 2024

Capture the alien tech

 I took my painted power armour guys to the club for their first fight.

The scenario:

The Weyland Yutani company has aquired a large piece of alien tech which they have hidden away in a remote research facility. The site is guarded by 4 armoured sentry droids and a small unit of guards.


Two rival corporations have sent a strike team to acquire the alien tech from Weyland Yutani.

My guys and their drone companions enter the table.

My opponent quickly moves his troopers into the compound and engages the droids.

One down, three to go.

Another one down.

Meanwhile on the other side of the table I managed to shut a droid down (by inflicting excessive shock). The guard unit has also been wiped out, reducing their force morale to zero which also shuts down the last remaining guard droid.

 Taking cover behind an APC, I'm now targeting my opponent's power armoured troopers.

Quickly the envrionment is dotted with anti missile chaff/flare clouds.

In rapid succession my opponent damages two of my power armour suits badly enough to trigger a bail out. My remaining trooper's suit is also damaged so it's game over.

Although my guys took a beating, it was still a fun game. There are still some things to tweak in the rules. Use of close in weapon systems to shoot down incoming missiles for instance.

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