Sunday 28 April 2024

After Curly Billy shot down Crazy Sam McGee Part 3

After their narrow escape through Dry Gulch Canyon (read all about it here), Curly Billy and his gang go into hiding. With the information from Broadstone's bookkeeper Curly is planning a raid on Broadstone's silver mine. Broadstone's men are closing in however. Curly, the bookkeeper and the gang disguise themselves and board a stagecoach in an attempt to slip through and evade the Law.

Broadstone has people spying for him everywhere and his men are waiting for Curly Billy at the Livery. 

Part 3: Ambush at the Livery

Everything seems business as usual at the livery. While his horse is provided with a new horseshoe,

Doctor Spitzenfinger is trying to sell his Miracle Elixir to one of the workers.

When the stagecoach appears, Broadstone's men prepare themselves to spring the ambush.

The stagecoach moves up the road and bullets start flying.

Broadstone's goons are trying to stop the stagecoach by unscrupulously firing at the driver. Hans "Arizona" Huffheins and Paddy O'Malley are returning fire, forcing Charley the "one-armed snake" to dodge behind the fence.

The One-armed Snake gets up but is shot dead by Arizona!

Arizona then uses his Desperado card to hurl a stick of dynamite at Johnny "the Duke", inflicing several points of shock.

Having passed the first line of defense, the guys in the stagecoach are now taking fire from Davey Kroket and Thomas Brown. The driver is losing action dice fast.

Paddy takes a critical chest wound and falls off the stagecoach. He survives the fall, but the driver's luck has run out. He is out of action.

Grasping the opportunity, Davey Kroket advances towards the stopped stagecoach. Despite his severe chest wound, Paddy manages to blast Davey at point blank range, killing him instantly.

Arizona takes the reins. Unfortunately he isn't able to move the horses more than a few inches before he is killed by a bullet from the winchester of Thomas Brown. Paddy stumbles forward, trying to take out Brown.

With only a few action dice left, Paddy is no match for Brown, and Paddy collapses after a few more shots. This allows Curly Billy however to exit the stagecoach (he and Mad Jack had been firing rather ineffectively from inside the stagecoach) and take the reins.  

Curly Billy almost immediately takes a wound. Fortunately this is downgraded to a shock by playing a Desperado card. After several nailbiting turns without move or wild dice, Curly Billy is finally able to drive the coach off the table, winning the game.

Although at first I thought that with a little luck I could move the stagecoach quickly to the other side of the table, it took almost all Bonanza tokens and all Desperado cards to get half the gang off the table!

Both sides have taken casualties in this game. The Law loses the One-armed Snake and Davy Kroket. Curly Billy's gang loses Arizona and Paddy O'Malley who died of his chest wound in the post game wound recovery dice roll.

New recruits are available for both sides and after rolling for their background and traits Curly Billy is joined by a rancher with the eagle eyes trait and a native american with the stealthy trait.

Certain Dutch readers of a certain age will know that there is an obvious name for these characters: 

Bob "Eagle-eye" Stanhope and White feather.