Thursday 18 May 2023

Escape from Aniron Part 2

After our first FfoL Star Wars game I thought it would be great to turn it into a campaign of linked games to play with my son. 

Jedi Master Vhing and company have destroyed the false Jedi beacon deployed by the Empire to lure Jedi that have escaped order 66 into a trap (read all about it here). After making their escape they now return to master Vhing's Aethersprite starfighter, hidden in the wilderniss, in an attempt to get him off planet.

With imperial forces spread thin on Aniron, the Empire issues a communiqué:

“Jedi pirates have come to Aniron to murder innocent civilians and steal their property. Recognizing its responsibility to protect the hardworking citizens of Aniron, the Galactic Empire has stepped in, swiftly neutralized the threat and stopped the pirate incursion. Although the main Jedi pirate force was destroyed, a few pirates cowardly avoided the Imperial forces and escaped arrest. These pirates are armed and dangerous. A bounty is rewarded for each pirate handed over to the imperial forces, alive or dead.

Let’s keep Aniron safe and contact your local friendly Imperial representative when you have any information about the wherabouts of these Jedi pirates.”

A group of bounty hunters led by the infamous Bossk have located Master Vhing's starfighter and are lying in wait.

The bad guys

Master Vhing's party have lost companion Sluur but have been joined by Glo Song with her sniper rifle.

The good guys and gal

My son choose to play the bad guys. He re-positioned them to cover most of the access routes to the starfighter.

The scenario (a modified version of the Ambush scenario from the FfoL Galactic Heroes scenario booklet) allowed me to position one team member near the starship. So I put Tashik in cover to the rear of the bounty hunters.

In the first turn Tashik climbed the rock to take out the bounty hunters from above, but Vom the Dathomirian saw him and opened up with his blaster putting Tashik out of action immediately.

Ptanak and Glo Song entered the board from the other side. Glo Song put the heavy blaster carrying bounty hunter in the cross hairs of her laser rifle and dropped him (one shock + one wound).

Meanwhile Blayne was moving around the right flank while Master Vhing went for the left flank.

Bossk ordered Larx the Rhodian to stop Blayne and sent Vom towards Master Vhing. Larx is careful not to come within reach of the Land Anemone, making the most of the available cover.

dangerous flora

Okoma the Weequay fires his blaster at Glo Song at long range and hits! She goes down with one wound.

My son uses the Queen of Hearts to heal Powakan and sends Okoma towards Master Vhing to assist Vom. Vom fires twice at Master Vhing, but Master Vhing expertly sends the blasts back to Vom with his lightsaber, killing him instantly.

I draw one of the jokers, which means some agressive maw beasts will enter from a random side of the table and attack the nearest model. This turns out to be my side of the table and the beasts are running towards Blayne.

Master Vhing charges Okoma and cuts him down with his lightsaber.

Blayne succeeds in killing the maw beasts, but this has allowed Larx to sneak up on him from behind.

Bossk takes a hit from Ptanak and goes down. Powakan moves around the starfighter, firing at master Vhing.

Master Vhing dodges the blaster fire, somersaults over the starfighter and slices through the heavy blaster with his lightsaber, wounding Powakan in the process.

Although Larx was able to fire the first shot, Blayne got away with only one shock. Leveling his heavy blaster at Larx, he opens fire. Larx goes down with 2 shock and one wound.

The bounty hunters are now completely at the mercy of Master Vhing and (remaining) company. We decided it wouldn't be very Jedi like to finish them off so the good guys captured and tied up the surviving bounty hunters.  

Master Vhing intends to get into the starfighter and take off, but is warned by his astromech OU-812. The bounty hunters have disabled and booby trapped the starfighter. Master Vhing isn't going anywhere in this ship. Glo Song unfortunately expired from her wounds. After burning their comrades Glo Song and Tashik (to avoid their bodies being sold to the Empire), Master Vhing asks OU-812 to plot a route to one of the nearby settlements.

Leaving Bossk, Powakan and Larx for their fellow bounty hunters that will undoubtedly arrive soon, attracted by the smoke, Master Vhing, Ptanak, Blayne and OU-812 set course through the wilderness towards one of the nearby settlements in the hope of finding a ship that can take them off world.

To be continued...

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