Monday 24 January 2022

Project Star Wars part 8: Speeders

Having gathered quite enough spaceships, I tunned my attention to land vehicles for my Star Wars project. Since wheeled or tracked vehicles are quite rare in the Star Wars universe the vehicles had to be land speeders. I looked around for official models but was put off by the cost. There are some beautiful examples of scratchbuilt land speeders on Leadadventureforum, but I didn't have the materials (and lack the skills). Rembering the more or less square angles on the speeders in Solo (the film) however, I decided to go for rectangular shaped speeders.

The speeders would all be based on leftover plinths from die cast models I use for my WW2 games.

When turned upside down and painted black it suggests hovering because of the shape. Polystyrene blocks would make up the body of the vehicle.  I then dove into my bits box and gathered useful bits.

There was enough to build 3 speeders: a truck, and two "technicals".

My first idea was to cover the polystyrene with bits and then seal the remaining surface so they could be spray painted. After some thinking I decided against this because of concerns that the spray paint would find an uncovered micro part of the speeder and eat away the polystyrene. I finally settled on covering the polystyrene with paper just like I did with my submarine.

Using images I found on the internet I stitched togethere some textures for the speeders and started building.

I'm afraid I forgot to take anymore WIP pictures so here are the finished speeders:

The truck

The truck contains plastic sprue bits, pen caps, mdf leftover bits from a futuristic bus stop kit, Mantic building bit (bumper), toothpaste cap and some other plastic bits.

The pick-up

The pick up contains pen caps, a wind shield made from a translucent bit from an old electrical appliance, bits from a sdkfz 250 kit, a GW sentinel driver with a Weequay head from Mel and Eldar arms and some other plastic bits.

The improvised tank

The improvised tank contains plastic sprue bits, a pen cap, Revell imperial patrol speeder bit (front armour), toothpaste caps, bottle cap, GW dwarven shield bit, Revell AT-TE gun bit, and some other plastic bits.
I magnatized the gun so it could be pointed towards its target in a game and for easy storage.

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