Thursday 22 February 2024

Escape from Aniron Part 5

The final showdown

Master Vhing and friends have escaped from the clutches of evil crime lord Zenyatta Mondatta in the shuttle Synchronicity II (read all about it here). They have landed at Lahini spaceport (one of Aniron's smaller spaceports) to stock up on fuel for the lightspeed engines. Master Vhing has just sent his friends to find fuel, when he feels a disturbance in The Force.

He is relieved at first when Master Yoda arrives at the spaceport with two Jedi Knights he saved from order 66. But then the Dark Side makes its presence known...

Darth Vader has recovered from the wounds inflicted by Master Vhing (see Part 1) and has brought four inquisitors with him. Bent on revenge Darth Vader heads towards the Jedi for a final showdown.

The bad guys/gals

The good guys/gals

It's business as usual at Lahini spaceport.

Customers and mechanics arguing about repairs

Lifter droid is loading do-it-yourself furniture

Darth Vader and the inquisitors enter the scene, startling the locals.

The Jedi enter from the opposite side, warning the locals of the danger.

The intergalactic furniture transporter has seen enough and decides to lift off and get away (random event).

Both sides approach each other while the lifter droid is desperately trying to get out of the way.

Darth Vader tries a Force Choke on Mezir Arpo, in an attempt to reduce the opposition, but Mezir shrugs it off.

Master Yoda attacks, striking down Vader.

Mezir joins in and together they take Vader out of action!

Enraged by the sight of their lord going down, both Sister and Second brother join the fray.

Mezir and Second brother simultaneously strike each other down!

Nearby, Master Vhing takes on First brother and Brother.

 Kovash rushes to aid Master Vhing, but is immediately struck down by Brother.

Master Vhing hits First brother where it hurts and he goes down with a wound.

Master Yoda dispatches Sister and scans the area while bystanders are either trying to find shelter or watching the fight.

Let me back in!!

Another ship takes off just as Master Vhing and Brother (again simultaneously) cut each other deep enough to take them out of action.

First brother and Kovash recover and get back on their feet, just in time to see Master Yoda swinging his light saber to strike First brother.

However..... First brother parries the blow and strikes Master Yoda. Master Yoda is out of action!

Now only Kovash and First brother are left in the fight. Both are wounded. They circle each other, looking for an opening or a momentary loss of focus.

Then Kovash uses The Force to execute the perfect strike. First brother goes down and doesn't get up.

With the help of Master Vhing's friends, Kovash brings Master Vhing, Master Yoda and Mezir on board the fully fueled Synchronicity II. While the severely wounded Jedi recover in the on board Bacta tank, Synchronicity II leaves Aniron's atmosphere and escapes from Aniron.

Imperial security forces recover Darth Vader and he is transported to an Imperial medical center.

A fitting conclusion to our Escape from Aniron campaign. My son really enjoyed the games and is looking forward to a new Fistful of Lead campaign. I had to bend the rules a bit in this last game to allow more than one leader for the Jedi and a large number of specialists, but the line up seemed fitting for a final showdown.

1 comment:

  1. As we say in our videos, the rules are always bendable to make the right story, especially when kids are involved.
