Monday 28 December 2020

What a Tanker, Italy

 Another holiday lockdown game with my sons. This time What a Tanker. My sons' Shermans faced off against my Panther. A nice opportunity to try out my new gaming mat from Geek Villain and some mediterranean scenery I made/purchased. 

The scenario roll resulted in scenario 3: angles. Since the table was 6x3 feet, this put the tanks quite close to each other right from the start. 

Somewhere in Italy 2 Shermans suddenly see a Panther emerging from (off table) woods. A German Wespe is burning on the side of the road, providing a screen of thick smoke.

Son #1 opened fire on my Panther, while son #2 decided to move out of my line of fire and circle around my left flank.
I moved backwards to get the smoke from the Wespe between my Panther and the Sherman of son #1.
Once behind the smoke a duel with son #2 ensued, causing temporary damage on both sides and permanent damage to the running gear of the Sherman.

I put the burning Wespe between me and son #1.

Son #1 then moved to get behind me while son #2 and I were still exchanging fire.

Making use of the Panther's "Fast" attribute, it raced between the two Shermans, escaping the pincer.

And after an 180 turn, firing at son #2's Sherman resumed.

His successive hits on my Panther permanently damaged it's optics and forced it to move back several times (hits equal saves). I started to worry about being knocked off table!

Meanwhile son #1 moved his Sherman into a firing position behind the stone wall.

And delivered the killing shot.

Four hits, no saves....

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