Sunday 7 July 2024

Crystal research

At the club we played another Sharpe Power Armour game.

The mission is to retrieve the research logs from the vehicles at the centre of the board. The research team itself has disappeared while investigating strange crystal growths in a city destroyed in an apocalyptic  conflict long ago.

My opponent's force (armoured troopers supported by robots and vehicles carrying heavy weapons) enters the area.

On the opposite side, my heavy power armour units advance, supported by two armoured trooper squads and a heavy weapon team.

Units of my opponent move towards the vehilces while taking fire from my guys.

One of my power armoured units reaches a vehicle, plugs in and starts downloading (and wiping) the research logs.

Soon both sides are lobbing grenades at each other over the vehicle.

Another power armoured unit I send in to assist, runs into my opponent's "panzerknackers". They are wiped out, but the power armour is also destroyed, forcing the pilot to eject and skedaddle.

My surviving power armour is accumulating damage and two of my supporting infantry squads have been destroyed so I decide to withdraw.

The remainder of my force manages to withdraw to safety, but when we roll a die after the game to determine which vehicle contained the high value logs (the other one containing almost worthless survey data), I found out my force obtained the wrong data!

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