Sunday 6 October 2024

Project WW2 Pacific Part 4

More Japanese!

Second squad:

Grenade discharger squad:

Junior leader for the grenade discharger squad:

And junior leaders for the regular squads:

Saturday 21 September 2024

Project WW2 Pacific Part 3

 The third squad of Australians:

I will be using the bren gunner from the Independant Commando box for this squad. But the bren crew figure has an Owen gun and I want to use the figures for both mid and late (pacific) war scenarios. So I built 2 extra crew.

For the same reason (and because it allows the Australians to be used as Chindits in a game if you're not a rivet counter) I added leaders with Thompsons and rifles.

And to complete the Australian force (for now): 3 engineer figures.

There are still some gaps to fill with green stuff, but I think I'll finish the Japanese force first and do them all in one go.

First Japanese squad:

Sunday 1 September 2024

After Curly Billy shot down Crazy Sam McGee Part 6

High Noon.

Curly Billy failed to bring the acquired (stolen) silver to safety in the previous episode. Broadstone's men have retrieved it and taken it to the bank in the town that bears their employer's name. To make matters worse, Broadstone's bookkeeper was liberated by another group while Curly Billy's crew was busy with the shipment of silver.

Determined to strike at the center of Broadstone's power, Curly Billy has loaded up on heavy calibre weapons and has entered the town of Broadstone with his men to settle the score once and for all.

Broadstone and his bookkeeper gloating in front of the bank.

The local undertaker has a feeling that there's business coming his way today.

White Feather and Curly Billy are moving towards Main street.

The Pinkertons are patrolling on the other side of town.

Mad Jack and "Eagle Eye" Stanhope have taken up positions opposite the bank, while White Feather and Curly Billy are covering the saloon.

Eagle Eye was spotted by The Duke, who takes cover behind the wagon together with fellow Pinkerton One-eyed Bill.

When the stagecoach moves, both sides open fire.

Pinkerton Brown has reached an elevated position in the saloon in the mean time, but is forced to dodge a shot from Curly Billy. This allows White Feather to cross the street and hunt for Josh Scott, the last Pinkerton.

The exchange of fire near the bank has left Eagle Eye pinned with few remaining action dice while One-eyed Bill is closing in.

He gets up in time to dodge through the door of the hardware store, but being pinned, cannot avoid repeated shots from One-eyed Bill. This is the end for Eagle Eye.

Seizing the opportunity offered by Pinkerton Brown being pinned, White Feather enters the saloon. Brown gets up however and blasts White Feather from the top of the stairs. Another one of Curly Billy's crew bites the dust and is out of action.

Things are not going well for Curly Billy's crew. While One-eyed Bill has moved away to find Curly Billy, Mad jack has given up his ineffective musket sniping and decides to bury his brand new Bowie knife as deep into The Duke as possible.

Someone had alreay warned me that Brawlin' in What a Cowboy is often not a good idea. The fight resulted in a stand-off. The Duke disengaged and succesfully dodged a shot from Mad Jack. 

Mad Jack didn't get the chance to exploit this because he was shot in the head by One-eyed Bill, leaving Curly Billy as the sole remaining member of his crew.

Curly Billy did take out Pinkerton Scott.

But he failed the inevitable "Ride or Die" test, earning The Duke a substantial reward for keeping Broadstone's interests safe.

This concludes our What a Cowboy campaign. We had lots of fun playing and who knows... Curly Billy did get away so he is quite likely to harbour a grudge and return with a new crew..