Sunday, 2 March 2025

Post WW2 vehicles

In addition to the blogpage containing WW2 vehicles, I've decided to do the same for my collection of post WW2 (military vehicles). Starting with the ones I can easily retrieve from storage the list will expand over time.

I'll look and see if I have a suitably iconic post WW2 figure in my collection to include in the pictures for scale comparison, but for the first ones I'll stick with the Artizan WW2 British commando miniature based on a 25mm GW type (slotta)base.

Maybe the pictures are helpful when you can't take your own minature and hold it next to a vehicle you are considering to buy. All mentioned scales are claims by the manufacturer.

Aliexpress 1:50 Dongfeng-31 missile launcher

Actually it's more 1:64 I think. 

Victoria 1:43 Hummer 1995

Swapped the Artizan British Commando for a TAG Russian based on a 25mm GW type (slotta)base.

Aliexpress 1:? BTR

DeAgostini 1:43 ARO 240

Cararama 1:43 Land Rover

Schuco 1:43 VAB

Solido 1:50 Berliet

DeAgostini 1:43 GAZ 469

Aliexpress 1:?  T-55

Atlas/DeAgostini 1:55 T-55 (James Bond)

DeAgostini 1:43 Luaz

DeAgostini 1:43 Lublin 51

Solido 1:50 Commando XM706

Solido 1:50 VAB

Solido 1:50 VAB (left) Schuco 1:43 VAB (right)

Victoria 1:43 Hummer

Schuco/Criel 1:43 LAV-AT

Victoria 1:43 Hummer

Schuco 1:43 Fiat CM6614

Schuco 1:43 LAV-25

Modimio 1:43 BMP

Schuco 1:43 Centauro

Victoria 1:43 Hummer

Saturday, 18 January 2025

The Bordurian Incursion Part 2

Tor Volodokar.

In the previous game the Syldavians stopped the Bordurian incursion cold at the town of Volodj. The Bordurians have fallen back to the old mountain stronghold of Tor Volodokar, where they mean to hold off the Syldavians until reinforcements arrive from Borduria to continue the campaign.

The Bordurians have a machine gun available for this scenario, which they have set up at the top of the tower.

 Further defensive positions have been set up in front of the tower.

A lone Bordurian soldier (wounded in the previous game) is marking the primary deployment point.

The Syldavians deploy and are moving forward along the flanks.

They have a light mountain gun available for this scenario, but before it can fire a shot, more than half of its crew has already been killed by the Bordurian machine gun.

The local Syldavian militia is moving up the center, eager to kick the Bordurians back across the border.

A Bordurian blocking force in the woods stops the right pincer of the Syldavian attack.

And takes out the Syldavian force commander!

A priest appears and rallies the troops.

The left Syldavian pincer engages the Bordurians together with the militia and push them back.

But the attack stalls when another Syldavian leader is wounded and they take a lot of shock.

A Syldavian group detaches itself from the left pincer and moves with speed towards the practically undefended Bordurian Primary deployment point while braving a hail of fire from the Bordurian machine gun.

They succeed (just!) and take the primary deployment point. Game over for the Bordurians!

The Syldavians have driven the Bordurians back. The Bordurians intend to turn the tide however with the reinforcements that are camped near the border pass.

The Syldavians also have some reinforcements coming their way and are bent on ending the campaign with a final push.

Will they succeed? Stay tuned for the next game and find out. 😀

Thursday, 21 November 2024

Project Star Wars part 19: Mandalorians

The final batch (I think....) of Star Wars miniatures has exited the painting queue.

I bought a Star Wars Legion Boba Fett, intending to convert him to Din Djarin, but ended up buying the Legion Din Djarin anyway. Because I already had an Imperial Assault Boba, I painted the extra one as one of Din Djarin's Mandalorian brethren (base is still to be done).

The Anvil Industry Brotherhood figures caught my eye and I thought they would look good as additional Mandalorian support.

The Anvil Industry miniatures are listed as "heroic scale" so I thought that they wouldn't look too small next to Legion miniatures. I was wrong.

I've tried to obscure the scale difference by mounting the Anvil Industry miniatures on Legion bases and (as I did with almost all the Legion miniatures) mount Din Djarin on a standard Warlord games base. Of course it can also be explained as natural height differences between people on the same planet (e.g. Dutch vs Timor-Lestians).

And last (but not least): The two Grogu miniatures that came in the Din Djarin box and a Legion Yoda (you can build two Yoda's with the contents of the box).

And that's it!

For now. 😉

Saturday, 16 November 2024

The Bordurian Incursion Part 1

Every time I read about games in non-existing, imagined countries (Imagi-Nations) I thought about doing this myself. As a long time fan of Tintin, Syldavia and Borduria immediately came to mind. I wanted to use the Toofatlardies Sharpe Practice rules but stretch them to a little beyond the Franco-Prussian war, before the Balkan Wars.

Fortunately Simon Walker published his "Pushing the envelope" article in Lard Mag 02, providing Sharpe Practice rule additions to allow for this.

I had collected a bunch of miniatures I wanted to use. The idea was that Syldavia would receive support from France/Belgium and Borduria from Germany/Austria. The WWI Belgians with shakos from Brigade Models and Northstar were going to be Syldavian light infantry. The 1870 Prussians from Foundry were going to be Bordurian light infantry. I converted a number of Wargames Factory plastic British Zulu war infantry models (using Steve Barber heads) to provide extra troops for both sides. In addition I bought Montenigrin irregulars from Tiger miniatures to serve as Syldavian militia and Warlord games Prussian landwehr to serve as Bordurian conscripts.

After painting the lot they had to wait several years to feature in a game, but last friday they got their baptism of fire.

The background story

The Bordurians have crossed the Northern Syldavian border across the Zympathian Mountains. Information from local sources and Syldavian agents suggests the Bordurians have discovered valuable mineral and ore deposits in the mountains on the Syldavian side of the border and they intend to add this part of the Zympathian Mountains to Borduria.

Syldavian forces are trying to stop the Bordurians at the village of Volodj (A on the campaign map). When the Syldavians arrive, the Bordurians have set up defensive positions in the village.

The Bordurians have 4 groups of light infantry. The Syldavians have 3 groups of light infantry and a group of militia. All are armed with breech loading rifles. I made a mistake and gave all light infantry groups 8 men instead of 6, but we'll fix that in the next game of the campaign.

The game

The Bordurians deployed behind breastworks in the village. The Syldavian main group deployed in the forest and started to move to flank the Bordurians.

The Syldavian Militia deployed in the forest (secondary fixed deployment point) opposite the Bordurian breastworks to discourage them from moving to meet the Syldavian light infantry.

The two remaining Bordurian groups deployed and moved to the road to stop the oncoming Syldavians.

Exchanges of long range fire started chipping away at the Bordurians.

The Syldavian Militia had moved to the forest edge and fired at the Bordurians to keep them engaged, but (voluntarily) withdrew into the forest after losing two men.

I forgot that I bought a Holy man and a Physic (carrying liquid courage), but in the end didn't need them on the table.

When the Bordurian flank collapsed and routed off table, the Bordurians decided to retreat from the village to save their men for later in the campaign.

The Syldavian victory means that the Bordurians will fall back to the old mountain stronghold of Tor Volodokar (C on the map) where they will again try to stop the Syldavians.